SIEMENS NX v. Update Only 32bit +64 bit (2013)
Unigraphics NX - это ведущая система CAD / CAM / CAE на основе наилучших доступных технологий для создания изделий любой сложности. Основная задача системы в конечном итоге состоит в сокращении стоимости разработки продукта, повышения качества и сокращения времени выхода на рынок.
This enables companies in the short term return on investment spent on the purchase and implementation of Unigraphics. In Russia, Unigraphics holds a strong position thanks to the vast possibilities of using the system in various industries (aerospace, engine, automotive, mechanical engineering, etc.) and the use of modern technology, providing innovative solutions to the user of MCAD in all phases of product development. The success of Unigraphics in the Russian market is confirmed extensive user base, the success achieved by them in using the system.
This is only an update! To install the necessary pre-NX 8.5 with a crowbar from the SSQ
Year: 2013
Developer: Siemens PLM Software
Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Language: Multilingual
Tablet: Is present (Team-SolidSQUAD)]
System requirements: Same as that of NX 8.5.
Size: 2.51 GB